Is Egg Freezing
Right For You?

There are all sorts of reasons why you may want to extend your timeline for deciding if and when you might want to become a parent. Egg freezing allows you to do just that.
If you are thinking about freezing your eggs, starting the process earlier provides the best results.
In your 20’s and early 30’s, the likelihood of conceiving without medical assistance is higher because you likely have the necessary quantity of healthy eggs needed to conceive. By freezing your eggs at this stage, you can rely on your previously frozen eggs when you are older to increase the likelihood of successful IVF treatment.
To learn more about the procedure, go to The Egg Freezing Process.
When should I consider egg freezing?
Eggs are typically at an ideal level of health up to your early 30’s, but women up to age 38 (and sometimes older) can be successful in preserving healthy fertility with egg freezing.
Then, should you decide to have IVF with your frozen younger eggs when you are in your 40’s, the chances of success will be the same as if you were still in your 30’s.
To establish whether egg freezing is right for you, book an assessment with a Heartland physician to discuss your fertility health and options for you..