A Family’s Full Circle

May, 2024

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Katelyn Peters and her husband, Mike, always wanted children but struggled to conceive for nearly two years. They sought fertility treatment and Katelyn reached out to her biological mother, Jackie Touchette, who had also undergone fertility treatment 26 years earlier. Jackie was the first patient at Heartland Fertility under Dr. Gordon McTavish and had a successful IVF, resulting in her daughter Madison. Jackie shared her experiences and journal from her fertility treatments with Katelyn, providing invaluable support. With the help of Dr. McTavish and Dr. Ola Haakman at Heartland Fertility, Katelyn found success after three rounds of IVF. She and Mike are now expecting their first child in November. Katelyn expressed gratitude for the support from her family and the Heartland Fertility team, highlighting the caring nature of the doctors and nurses. She felt fortunate to have her mother by her side throughout the journey. Dr. McTavish noted the advancements in reproductive medicine over the past two decades, leading to safer and more effective treatments. He mentioned that over twelve million babies worldwide have been born through IVF since the 1970s, with close to 60,000 live births in Canada from assisted reproductive treatments reported since 2013. Katelyn and Mike will soon add to that growing number, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby.